

On Wednesday morning I got up early and headed back to Times Square. I went to the Marriott Marquis for an Apple-sponsored breakfast to watch a simulcast of Steve Jobs' keynote presentation. After watching the keynote live, I took the bus from Times Square to the Jacob Javits Convention Center for the expo.

Of course, the biggest and the busiest area was the Apple booth. There were "switch" ads all over the expo. Apple was demonstrating Mac OS X 10.2, code name "Jaguar". There were rows and rows of new 17" screen iMacs. There were a lot of people, it was much more crowded than the San Francisco expo last year.

I headed out of the Javits Center with one last view of the Empire State Building. On the flight home, after a stop in Minneapolis, I got a great view of Mt. Rainier!


Macworld, New York City